Condensor Bracket suits Toyota Landcruiser 60 Series
Mr Landcruiser Condenser bracket for parallel condenser suit 60 series
Upgrade your Landcruiser's cooling system setup with the Mr Landcruiser Condenser Bracket, purpose-built to fit parallel condensers on Toyota Landcruiser 60 Series models. This robust mounting solution makes installation straightforward, allowing for secure, hassle-free attachment to your condenser. Made in Australia from high-quality stainless steel, the bracket is crafted to endure rugged conditions, resisting rust and wear over time. With its easy-fit design and durability, it’s an essential upgrade for Landcruiser enthusiasts looking to enhance performance while maintaining reliability on any adventure
- Attach to condenser to allow easy mounting
- Made from stainless steel
- Australian made
- Brand: Mr Landcruiser
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