J01 Speedo Instrument Gauge Cluster Dash suits 40 Series Toyota Landcruiser 03/1969-06/1980
Enhance the functionality and classic appeal of your Toyota Landcruiser 40 Series with this premium speedometer instrument gauge cluster. Designed specifically for models produced between March 1969 and June 1980, this gauge cluster ensures precise readings and an authentic dashboard look.
- Suits Toyota Landcruiser 40 Series models manufactured from 03/1969 to 06/1980.
Product Details:
- Complete gauge cluster, including speedometer and additional essential instruments.
- Manufactured to match OEM specifications for a perfect fit and factory-original appearance.
- Durable materials ensure long-lasting performance, even under rugged off-road conditions.
- Provides accurate readings for speed, mileage, and other key vehicle metrics.
- Ideal for restoring vintage dashboards or replacing damaged or malfunctioning clusters.
This speedometer instrument gauge cluster is a must-have for maintaining the original charm and functionality of your Landcruiser 40 Series. Whether you’re undertaking a restoration project or updating a faulty dashboard, this high-quality cluster delivers reliability and style.
J01 Speedo Instrument Gauge Cluster Dash suits 40 Series Toyota Landcruiser 03/1969-06/1980 ...は取り寄せ中で入荷次第発送します。
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当社のワークショップは、クラシックなランドクルーザー コミュニティに幅広いサービスを提供しており、ほぼ独占的に 40 および 60 シリーズ ランドクルーザーを扱っており、販売および購入の検査からディスク ブレーキの変換、モーターの交換、5 速変換などに至るまであらゆる作業を行っています。 Mr Landcruiser は、クラシックなランドクルーザーのワンストップ ショップです。