Genuine Front Wiper Arm Mount Nut suits Toyota Landcruiser FJ60 & FJ62 8/1980 -
This Genuine Toyota Rear Wiper Arm Mount Nut is specifically designed for securing the front wiper arm on Toyota Landcruiser FJ60 and FJ62 models from August 1980 onward. Ensuring a firm attachment of the front wiper arm, this mount nut plays a crucial role in maintaining front visibility and wiper function in all weather conditions.
Product Features:
- Compatibility: Suits Toyota Landcruiser FJ60 and FJ62 models built from August 1980 and later.
- Function: Securely fastens the front wiper arm for stable, efficient operation.
- Quality Assurance: Genuine Toyota part manufactured to fit perfectly, ensuring reliability and durability.
Genuine Front Wiper Arm Mount Nut suits Toyota Landcruiser FJ60 & FJ62 8/1980 - ...は取り寄せ中で入荷次第発送します。
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