Vehicle Entry Pass for Car Show: CLECS24
This pass grants entry for 1 x Classic Landcruiser into the Car Show competition for CLECS24.
The Classic Landcruiser Expo and Car Show is a celebration of all things classic Toyota Landcruiser!
- This ticket is for those who wish to register their vehicle in the car show for CLECS24 on October 12th at the Caboolture Showgrounds
- Each vehicle pass includes 1 x ADULT ENTRY PASS to the CLECS Event
- Each vehicle entered is automatically in competition for all qualifying categories
05:30 - 09:00 | Car Show Entry Gates Open
Car Show entry gates open at 5:30am and shut at 9:00am, please be prepared for a short wait as the entrants are processed. Entry is via Gate 3 on Beerburrum Rd.
09:00 - 16:30 | Show Commences
Entry gates are locked, vehicles must remain in position until the conclusion of the awards ceremony at 4:00pm.
16:30 - 17:00 | Show Concludes
The exit gates will be opened by 4:00pm or when the awards ceremony concludes. Vehicles positioned towards the rear of the field will exit first.
I want to book camping as well, where can I do that?
General entry tickets and camping passes can be purchased on the Events page on the Mr Landcruiser website.
I'm camping on the Friday and Saturday night *and* my vehicle is in the show, how does this work?
Camping plots are open to access from 11am on Friday the 11th of October. For car show entry on the 12th, there will be an entry pathway to the show grounds that entrants will need to join before 9am. If you're staying the Saturday night as well, just move from the main arena back to your camp site.
I need to leave before the 4:30pm show closure, can I do that?
As we're trying to organise 300 cars onto a field for a single day, we'd prefer not to have to shuffle vehicles during the open hours of the show. If you must leave early, please contact the show admin at as early as possible before the show dates.
Can I choose what competition categories my vehicle will compete for?
At the previous CLECS, entrants chose up to 3 categories to compete for, we've retired this system and every vehicle is now eligible in every category*
*Major categories are split by model **Vehicles competing for Best Engine Bay should have their hoods up though
Please Note: This event is strictly for 20 Series, 40 series, 55 series, and 60 series Landcruisers. Any other models will not be allowed an entry into the show arena, however, the camping grounds are open for all vehicles.
Vehicle Entry Pass for Car Show: CLECS24 - Vehicle Entry - Car Show ...は取り寄せ中で入荷次第発送します。
あなたの支払い情報は安全に処理されます。当社はクレジット カードの詳細を保存せず、お客様のクレジット カード情報にアクセスすることもありません。
今すぐ購入し、Shop Pay で後で支払う
当社のワークショップは、クラシックなランドクルーザー コミュニティに幅広いサービスを提供しており、ほぼ独占的に 40 および 60 シリーズ ランドクルーザーを扱っており、販売および購入の検査からディスク ブレーキの変換、モーターの交換、5 速変換などに至るまであらゆる作業を行っています。 Mr Landcruiser は、クラシックなランドクルーザーのワンストップ ショップです。