Brake Master Cylinder for FJ45, HJ47 with Disc Brakes
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This high quality aftermarket 4-Bolt brake master cylinder is a replacement for genuine Toyota part number 47201-60200 and suits FJ45 and HJ47 model Landcruisers with factory disc brakes typically plated between 10/1982 to 10/1984.
This master is also suitable for compatible models that have been converted to a disc brake front end and is compatible with the 80 Series Booster upgrade and spacer kit (found here).
The level indicator wire is used on late centre dash models that came with the corresponding sensor. For early models with disc brakes and no dash indicator light, this sender wire can be removed or ignored.
This master is also suitable for compatible models that have been converted to a disc brake front end and is compatible with the 80 Series Booster upgrade and spacer kit (found here).
The level indicator wire is used on late centre dash models that came with the corresponding sensor. For early models with disc brakes and no dash indicator light, this sender wire can be removed or ignored.
Bore Size | 23.81 mm |
Front Port | M10 x 1 Inv |
Rear Port | M10 x 1 Inv |
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